So, here's a brief little synopsis of what's been going on in our lives:
Conor ~
I'm happy to report that Conor is doing GREAT! It was a little rough for a week and a half, but once we got over that hump, he is healthy and happy. He no longer complains of ear pain or throat pain AND he hasn't had a stuffy/drippy nose OR a night time cough in a week!!! Whoopeeeeeeeee!
Liam ~
Remember the Sound of Music? "How do we solve a problem like Maria"? Well, just replace that Maria with Liam and you will have a good idea of how it's going. He is definitely 3 and everytime I think his attitude is improving he throws some kind of hissy about something totally outrageous! LOL He is definitely a TV fiend and I hate that. We've been limiting his TV more than ever and there have been many, many breakdowns because of it. Today he told me he would, "NEVER, EVER play with you again unless you let me watch my shows!". It was sad, really. I swear he's never been allowed to watch THAT much TV, but while Conor was sick he watched quite a bit and I guess that's all it takes. *sigh*
We are 100% officially BOTTLE FREE!!!! It has been really hard for Liam. I know he should have had the bottle free experience long ago, but it is truly hard to take a bottle away from a 2 year old when his 1 year old brother is happily sucking along. It actually took Conor's surgery to break the habit - he couldn't suck on bottle or straw for 2 weeks. Liam still cries sometime at night for his bottle and tells me, "Mama, I didn't want to give my bottles away yet. Not till I'm as old as you and daddy and Sonya and Mar." It's heartbreaking because he then breaks into sobs that make me feel like some linebacker has just laid me flat on the playing field.
On the opposite side of things, Conor asked for a bottle the first couple of days and when we explained that he couldn't because of his surgery he pretty much accepted it. One night he did tell me, "Dr. Hamill is bad" after I told him the dr. said he couldn't have his bottle. LOL
Unfortuneately I can't report on any breaking news in the potty training front because there isn't any. I'm extremely frustrated with it. Liam wakes up most mornings with a dry bum and when we try to get him into the bathroom to go he absolutely refuses. He's as pigheaded as his dad! (oops, did I write that in black and white?)
Oh, and if anyone has any great ideas to get my boys to drink milk from a cup now that they've done away with bottles, I'd love to hear them! I've tried chocolate milk, strawberry milk, milkshakes, etc. and it's a no go through and through.
Ok, on to my updates:
Glenn ~
He's still voluntarily unemployed. Do I really need to say anymore than that?
Me ~
See Glenn's update. LOL
Christmas was wonderful. The boys are really at that magical age when everything is so totally special. They were so excited to see that Santa had eaten the cookies and given Rudolph their carrots - oh, and drank his water (I guess since they won't drink milk they don't expect the jolly one too). Then they turned around and saw all the's their expression
precious, huh?
And here they are discovering their Santa gifts and stockings.
And their stockings were so big that Santa had to use HUGE bags (almost as big as them) as well as their stockings. Here's Liam trying to get to the bottom of things.
And what do you get the ultimate Pink Floyd fan for Christmas? A box full of Pink Floyd T-shirts that took at least 4 hours of wandering the West Edmonton Mall to find.
We had a wonderful Christmas morning and then in the afternoon our friends and FSJ family, Sonya, Mar, Nicho and Mar's mom Madeline came over to share more presents and Christmas dinner. It was a very busy, festive day!
Oh, and Mom, Linda and Cindy...We still have Christmas cards and one other small gift to mail out. Yes, I AM that far behind! LOL I didn't even get my Christmas cards done this year - I made them, but never got them mailed out because of Conor's constant sicky's. I'm attempting to write a New Year's Letter to everyone - look in your mailboxes soon!
OK, I know I still have the bowling party to talk about and I'm going to be really quick about it. The boys absolutely LOVED it. They are quite capable bowlers! And for the first time they weren't running the other direction from Santa, but instead actually stalking him! LOL From the moment he entered the building they were on his heels. It was so cute! Here's some pics - and notice the Nicholas "sumo wrestler" style of bowling! Too funny!
And their Santa pictures!
Happy New Year! Love and (((HUGS))) to everyone!