So, I was informed that it was time, way past time, for my blog to be updated! LOL Thanks, Rebecca, for that subtle reminder! LMBO This post should keep you entertained for another 3 weeks, don't ya think? :P
There are actually a couple of new items for me to share with you. The first is that my dad is coming up to visit in 2 1/2 weeks! The boys are absolutely over the moon! Every morning they come out to the kitchen and ask what day it is on the calendar and then they ask how many days until Grandpa comes. I try not to talk about it too much because I know if I do they will never, never, never shut up about it! LOL
The other piece of news is: I'm shaving my head! a`la Brittney Spears? No. Mine is actually for a great cause - Cancer Research. There is a thing they do in certain parts of the world called "Bluey Day" - you get sponsors to make donations and for their money, you shave your head! I don't know if I'm nuts or sane, but I'm actually looking forward to it! The big event is happening on June 2nd, so stay tuned for pictures!
Easter was total mayhem in our house - Conor became the ultimate Chocolate Monster - he ate as much as he could shovel into his mouth before I could catch him and put a stop to it. He took from his basket, Liam's basket, Glenn's basket and mine! Little stinker! You can see that he really enjoyed his chocolate below. So did Liam, but he was much more reserved and actually put part of his chocolate egg away for later! Where the heck does that instinct come from? Certainly not Glenn or I - we are much more like Conor! LOL

After Easter fun at our house, we headed over to Sonya, Mar and Nicho's for an Easter Treasure Hunt - The boys got clues and then had to find their "treats" Here are a couple of pictures of Liam and Conor modeling a couple of their "treats".

On Saturday, we decorated Easter eggs - somehow, Conor ended up more "colored" than some of his eggs...hmmmm...wonder how that happend? LOL
Liam, on the other hand, was very precise - he wanted all of his egg decorated and actually turned out some really nice eggs!
Tae Kwon Do-n't:
I haven't updated lately about Liam's Tae Kwon Do experience - he was doing great - the instructor even said it was time for him to get his uniform...isn't he cute?
Yeah, well, the next class they started doing hand to hand combat and Liam freaked - no way, no how was he ready for that. Needless to say, thank goodness the outfit is VERY big on him because he won't be using it until September! It's funny, because he talks about it all the time now and is anxious for September to come!
Here's a bonus of Conor - when he saw that I was taking pictures of Liam in his outfit, he had to hop up on the bench and be part of the photo soot! LOL Isn't he just the cutest little stinker you've ever seen?! Can you say, I look just like my cousin, Tommy???!!!
OK, it's time for some digi-talk:
I am SO excited because one of the wonderful, fantabulous designer's I work with has asked me to make Quick Pages to sell in her shoppe. How exciting is that?? Our first set is up at Plain Digital Wrapper and the 2nd set, which is ultra-romantic, will be up in a few days! So, so, so exciting!
Speaking of that fantabulous designer...LOOK at these ribbons!!!! Are they not to die for??? They are up in her shop at Plain Digital Wrapper - don't miss out!!!

That same fantabulous designer also has this beautiful kit in her shoppe - and, it's named for me!!! Yay, Rebecca! YOU RAWK!!!!

And finally, I'll show you some of my most recent layouts - hope you enjoy! (credits can be found here)

That's all for now! Love and (((HUGS))) to everyone!