That's exactly what my hair looks like at this stage - a silly chia pet. LOL The growing out process is certainly interesting! Get a load of this.

Pretty funny, huh?
We've been really busy around here. The weather has actually been wonderful lately and the boys have been taking full advantage of it! They love going outside to play in the backyard. I'm so thankful that we have such a great play set for them - they love it! The best thing to them, though, is when we go see the ponies - the security guard that works where Glenn works raises Shetland Ponies. The boys love going down to visit them. We usually take carrots or apples with us and they have a ball feeding them. They've even ridden them bareback! LOL Such little adventurers.
Remember how I used to talk about how terrible 2's were a myth and that, with Liam, it was 3-year old hell that really was the bugger? I'm very happy to say that Liam has officially exited that stage. He is at this wonderful stage now - potty trained, helpful, polite. Not 100% of the time, but most of the time, which is a blessing. This age is so much fun! He's so intelligent, and so eager to head to pre-school! I don't know how I will be able to deal with that first day of school! LOL I'm sure Liam will be so excited that it will be "Bye, mommy" and I'll be the one that doesn't want to leave!
Now, having said all of those wonderful things about Liam, let's talk about Conor. He's such a cutie, and so sweet...when he wants to be. Just as Liam has officially left the hellish 3's, Conor has officially entered them. Oh my word - where did this new child come from? Canada day was spent chasing Conor from event to event, having him want to go do one thing only to get there and have him throw a fit because he changed his mind! LOL Glenn asked me how long I thought it would last. My answer was a very hopeful "by Christmas?". Give me strength!
Our most exciting news is that we are the proud owners of a brand new mini van! Although I always said I would never own one, it is the vehicle that makes the most sense with our 2 growing boys. We went out and got a Honda Odyssey - what a sweet little van! The boys love it because they are "smooshed" anymore. LOL
We're also preparing for our first road trip in our van. We are taking the boys to Edmonton for 9 days, we're going to go to Klondike Days. The boys are so excited and have helped us plan the whole trip - a trip to Chuck E. Cheese, the zoo, the waterpark, Fort Edmonton, a ride on a train, a day in the country going to various activities they will be having there - it should be lots of fun!
That's us in a nut shell. I hope that everyone is doing well! Love and (((HUGS)))