The boys were taken for their 2 year and 3 year check up's and I'm happy to say they are perfect, once again! Both are performing at language skills far beyond what is expected at their ages. I've certainly got 2 little smarties (God help me) on my hands! Conor is 32 lbs and 34" tall. He's in the 90th % for weight and 97th for height. Good growing! Liam is 38 lbs and 40.5" tall. He's in the 95th % for weight and the 97th for height. Yay! I've definitely got 2 big boys on my hands - Indiana Pacer rookie's in 2025 & 2026!!!
The boys are also starting to role play quite a bit. Their favorite current game is pretending one is the big bad wolf and is chasing the other. It makes for quite exciting and LOUD playtimes. They also roll play with their Little People and the awesome Playmobile set that Liam got for his birthday. It's so much fun to see how they are developing!
Speaking of birthday's...A certain little boy will be 2 in 13 days! I'm not sure what we are going to do for his birthday yet. It's going to be really hard to keep up with what we did for Liam's this year! I do know that we are going with a Thomas theme because for Conor it is all about the Thomas!
Oh, and speaking of Thomas - We got Conor the cutest winter coat/snow pants Thursday. It's Thomas and Friends and it's just adorable. I'll have to take a picture of it and post it later.
Well, as promised, here are a few pictures of the boys at the beach:

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