Isn't it purty? ;) I love my shower curtain hooks - little hot and cold faucets. My sink is SO cool! And you can see in the shower pics that our liner has pockets - it's tre` cool! The boys toys are in the 3 large pockets at the bottom, their soap and shampoo are stored in one and there's a few left that I'm sure we'll fill as we go! Also, I finally have a nice spot to show off the cute soap dish I got from Cindy last year! LOL Liam loves that little heart and the heart shaped soap - he's always coming in to the bathroom and smelling it!
OK, enough goofing off I have to go and get cracking on the basement with Glenn. We've got the floor to paint and some bookcases/tables/etc. that will serve as storage. The floor is taking a super long time, much longer than we thought, because we have to scrape up the paint that the original owners had down (which Glenn has jokingly said is full of lead, and I do not find funny because it probably is!). It's seriously going to be one very cool play room!
Love and (((HUGS))) to everyone!
wow what a cute bathroom! my favorite part is the adorable!!!!
I think it looks great. You and Glen did an excellent job. The sink is to die for and I love the liner with pockets, may have to steal that idea :)
very nice! I'm jealous!!
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