Other than the sickies, life has been busy. We've had the boys little buddie Nicho over a lot this week and they've been having a great time playing! Glenn has gone back to work, which is a totally GREAT thing, but I'm not too happy about where he's working. He's gone back to the hotel for "now". Last night was his first night back, so we'll see how it goes. I seriously can't even talk about it right now.
A new gym has opened in town - it's called the "World Gym" and I guess they have locations all over the world. Glenn and I went to look at it yesterday, because I seriously need to start working out. It is REALLY nice! They offer babysitting which is HUGE and you can see the boys through the glass door. They also have a co-ed section AND a ladies only section, which bumps this place up way far, in my books! Membership allows you to attend the classes they offer, also. I was afraid to find out how much because most places in town (much smaller places with no babysitting) are around $100/person/month. This would be just at $100/month for both of us! We talked it over last night and I think we will definitely be joining next week! Yay!
Little break into reality:
Conor is currently sitting beside me in "protest" because Liam is watching the Upside Down Show and Conor wants to watch Jakers! Piggly Winks. He says he won't watch tv until he can watch Jakers!. LMBO What a guy!
I hate to type this next part, because I am SO afraid I will jinx myself...but...THE SNOW IS MELTING!!!! It's been in the +'s for 3 days now and the roads are running like a river! There are actual parts of our yard (OK, where Glenn had shoveled the path, but still) where I can see brown grass and mud! I so hope this is the beginning of spring. My sanity can't take the cold snowy days we've had since September!
Onto my scrappin' update:
I've been really working with some of the pictures that I brought home last summer from mom's. There have been a few BIG challenges! Here's my most recent transformations:
Here's the original senior picture of mom's. For some reason I couldn't get it to scan straight and, if you click on it, you'll see lots of worn spots, etc.

Here's my "restored" copy. I think it turned out pretty good!

OK, here's the original of a picture of the family in 1972 while vacationing in Washington DC. I've cropped the original, and you'll have to click on it to see the "whole picture".

Now, here's where I need your help: Which of these do you like better? I have a definite favorite already! But I'd love to hear some input as to what others think!


And here's a few new scrap pages I've done:

Credits can be seen here.
On other scrappin' news:
I am so happy and excited that I got invited to be on the PDW Creative Team! Yipeee! There's so many talented designers at PDW and I feel so lucky!
That's all for now. Love and (((HUGS))) to everyone!
1 comment:
Hey could you please update your blog.. I have been reading this since march 24th..lol
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