Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I don't have much time...

I'm in the middle of my morning chores, but I just had to share this one!

As I'm in the kitchen this morning prepping chili for the crockpot, Glenn has run out on an errand and the boys are happily playing with toys in their play area. I can hear them rummaging through one of their toy bins and talking about their Car cars (as in the movie). They are naming them off and suddenly Liam says, "Fillmore! We've lost Fillmore! We have to find him Conor." Then, out of the blue, he says, "This is a job for Suuuuper Liammmmmmm and his trusty sidekick!"...and from the other side of the room I hear, "It's me! Super Cooonnnnneeeerrrrrrrr!".

And with that I just had the best laugh I've had in over a week! Where do they come up with this stuff? Hope you got a giggle out of it, too.

And C, I promise I'll post Conor's birthday pictures sometime today...What, a month later is too long? LOL

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