Thursday, November 02, 2006

Just a hint of insanity

Anyone that knows me really well knows that I am by no means one of those people who is obsessively running around picking up every toy, paper, etc. that falls out of place in my house. A) My house is to small to worry about every detail, most things are where they aren't supposed to be because there is no place to designate "supposed to be". And B) I have 2 small boys and a husband who has been home for 7 months...I'm a bit busy. That being said, I realized today that the house had turned into a disaster zone, looking like a tornado, hurricane and cyclone had hit all at once. I decided to pick up a bit mainly because I wanted to put away my halloween decorations and found that I couldn't find most of them because they were buried somewhere between chaos and confusion. As I started picking up I found a toy here (the boys), candy wrappers there (the BIG boy), lists of misc. assortments (again, BIG boy), CD's (yep, that's BIG again), mail that I haven't seen from over a week ago, etc. Get the picture? So I spend my morning picking up all the mess to make my living room/play area/office (yes, one room serves as all 3) and I have it looking mighty nice, if I say so myself (and no, I didn't do it all by myself, Glenn and Liam picked up the toys in the play area). Do you know that within 10 minutes there were new papers on the tables, blocks from one end of the play area to the other end of the living room and chaos and confusion taking over yet again. Can I scream now? Oh well, I guess I'll just put my blinders on and do a little scrapping!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling; however, you have three and that explains it a whole lot better than having just one little girl. She can destroy a room in seconds. I tend to go blind until she goes to bed, then it's the quick pick and prep for the next day.

Have a good weekend :)