I love fish. Really. An aquarium to me is a little piece of heaven - it's peaceful, stress reducing, beautiful. I can easily get lost in thoughts of nothing while staring into our little tank. The boys love their fish. They say "good morning" to them and "Night, night" to them. When they remember, they beg to feed them. Needless to say, our goldfish (yeah, we actually have the one fish I said I'd never own) are an integral part of our family! Even the kitty's love 'em. As a matter of fact, Lucy (grey fur-baby) spends hours sitting staring longingly into their tank - I've got pictures to prove it! LOL Now, onto the tragedy. A few weeks ago we woke for the day only to come out and find our beloved blackie (a black fantail) tangled in the plant. I'm not sure whether the actual entanglement led to his passing or if he was just sick (which he SO wasn't the night before)and landed in the plant. Whichever it was, it was totally earth shattering for two little boys. Being the ever-sensible mommy that I am (stop laughing), I took this opportunity to explain the circle of life to the boys, hoping that it would help them understand death. Then I carefully netted Blackie and took him into the bathroom where I....flushed him. I can not even begin to tell you the hilarity that has ensued since the dreadful flushing. We've been asked to pull up the toilet and call a plumber to get Blackie out. Liam often runs in and lifts the lid to see if Blackie has mysteriously come to life and had his sonar senses kick in to guide him back up the pipes and into our bowl. We have daily strains of, "I miss Blackie" with all the tears and emotion that follows. This, however, is not the tragedy. Nope. The tragedy happend yesterday morning. I woke up, walked into the living room and found Spotsie (white fantail with orange blob on it's head) suctioned to the filter. Glenn and I whispered about replacing it before the boys noticed so that we wouldn't have to deal with the aftermath of Spotsie's demise. Then we decided to just slip it out of the tank and hope the boys wouldn't notice. Then, sanity returned and I owned up. I told the boys that Spostie had gotten sick and died. There was a little lip quiver, an almost watering of the eyes...then...the tragedy...Liam looked at me and said, "Mommy, can we get a new Blackie AND a new Spotsie?", I gave him my most comforting look and said, "yes", and.....ready for the tragedy....Liam looked at me, smiled, turned to his brother and said, "Conor, we get to get 2 new fishies." Both boys cheered, smiled and went about their business. Now, if that's not tragic, I don't know what is!
OK, so Amazing Race Super-star started last night. I love the Amazing Race. I love to hate the contestants that back-stab their way through the show. I was excited about the Super-star edition. Then, I tuned in. OMG - did they have to bring back 1/2 of the teams I absolutely HATED???????? Rob and Amber? Hellooooooooooooooo - isn't their 15 minutes of fame expired to the point of no return? How obnoxious can one human be? And now it would seem that the mousey little Amber has been snared into the land of obnoxious humans. Yucko! And seriously...Team Guido??? UGH! Thank God for the Kentucky sweeties! At least I have a team to root for.
I've been doing a little picture fine tuning lately, too. Here's my mother's graduation photo:

Here's the picture after I've "tweaked" it. Pretty good, HUH?

Ok...the natives are getting a bit restless here. I guess that's my call to leave you. (((HUGS))) and love to everyone!
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