I hate snow. It amazes me now that I can actually remeber a time in my life when I thought snow was magical. The beauty of everything covered in a soft, white blanket - it was inspirational! Yeah...that was BMTFSJ (Before moving to Fort St. John). It was before the snow came in September and didn't want to leave until April...or May...or June. It was before I had experienced a winter where the windchill is lower than I knew temperature could go! OK, I'll admit that every now and then I still see the beauty of the snow - it is pretty in the trees and when the hoar frost is covering everything it can touch. Those days are few and FAR between! Right now, I'm really, truly sick of it. Seriously. It is freezing cold and snowy again and I have a burning desire to be anywhere but trapped in the house, yet there's nowhere to go, nothing to do and even if there was it would mean bundling the boys up in 3 layers, boots, hats, scarves, mits and listening to them whine the whole time they're in the car because it's too hot in the car. Plus, I then have to maneuver my way to my car - which is best done on ice skates lately since the ice is about 4 inches thick with a 2 inch layer of snow on top! I can honestly say that I am sick of seeing my beautiful red walls. No wonder I want to change the color of rooms so often - I get stir crazy staring at the same thing day after day!
OK, now that we've got that off my chest - (yes, we - me and the imaginary voices in my head! LOL) - let's move to another whiney topic (since I seem to be on a roll)...
So the potty training and celebration lasted a week. Yes, it's true, my son has decided that he doesn't like using the potty. 8 days of dry bum - pooping in the toilet - the WHOLE shabang. I'm shattered! I don't really know what my next step is supposed to be. I'm trying the "ask him every 20 minutes" technique, but seriously - doesn't that just annoy him more? I know it would me! I feel like waving the white flag and facing the fact that indeed my son WILL be in diapers in Kindergarten. (OK, I know this won't happen but it sure does feel like it will right now)
OK, let's get scrappy...
First of all, I want to show off my first attempt at really "fixing" an old photo. I'm very proud of what I did with this picture! There were lots of scratches that were very tiny and the picture itself was very dull. I know my "fix" isn't perfect, but it's pretty good!

And here's a scrap page I did with it:

Here are a couple of LO's I've done recently:

And, have you SEEN Lena Brandenburg's newest element pack? They are simply FAB!

That's it for me today! ((HUGS)) and love to everyone!
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