Saturday, December 16, 2006

Christmas Hustle and Bustle

Wow. Just when you think, "everything is done - house clean, shopping done, decorations up and looking quite snazzy (if I do say so myself), bring on the relaxation and enjoyment of the holiday season!" , you realize that you are greatly fooling yourself into a false sense of accomplishment! LOL

On Monday we went to gymnastics with the boys. It was their last class of the fall season so they "graduated". They were both so proud! They make quite the event of graduation at our gymnastics company. The kids are called up to a "podium" just like in the olympics and they stand on top and receive a medal and their progress report - so cute. Of course all of the parents are flashing pictures like paparazzi and cheering for each little dude and dudette! IMHO my boys were the cutest graduates there! See for yourself:

Last week we decorated our tree. I should say Liam and Conor decorated our tree. They had so much fun picking the spot where each ornament should go. (see, even Desi helped out!) The problem with letting your children decorate the tree is that everything is placed at their level and you end up with this: 90% of the ornaments at a 3 foot level. LOL Heaven forbid I move one item they placed on the tree - memories like and elephant, I tell you! It gave me a good reason to go shopping for new ornaments and I'm happy to say our tree is evened out now - no more bottom heavy tree for us!

Yesterday was party #1 of their 3 day extravaganza. The Art Space program is always such a blessing - their teachers are so nice and they really make a great party for the kids. The boys were absolutely thrilled! Of course I took tons of pictures, but here are a few highlights: (The boys waiting to start an actual reindeer game!)(my hunk of a man - isn't he cute?!)(The closest Conor would get to Santa - and that was only because he gave him a present! LOL He later did a "drive by" and shouted thank you to the jolly old soul!)(and, of course, Liam was just THRILLED to pieces that I made him go stand by Santa to take a picture - How DARE I interupt his good time for a stinking picture! LOL)

Well, that's it from our front for today. I have exactly 3 hours to prepare myself for another 2 hours of fun and excitement and LOUD children celebrating the Christmas spirit. I must go meditate now! LOL I'm sure I'll be back tonight or tomorrow with an update of the Chamber of Commerce kids party!

Love and (((HUGS)))

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