Monday, December 11, 2006


It seems as if I don't have enough of that one little word lately. I get up every morning with tons of plans in my head, but between the boys and Glenn, doing the necessary "chores", running here and there and everywhere, I seem to be losing time. It seems like I get up at 6 and before I know it the kids are asking for lunch! I don't know where the time is going, why it seems like I just can't get enough. I'm hoping that now that the play room is done (what an awesome godsend that is!), the house is semi-respectable and Christmas is getting closer I'll find more time to do the things I'm dying to sit and read a book with my Ipod blissfully playing in my ears, or SCRAPPING (heaven knows I haven't gotten near what I wanted to have done by this time in the year - I still have literally thousands of pictures from this summer with my family that I haven't even touched yet!), or spending some more creative time with the boys (they love doing crafts and have been looking forward to helping me make Christmas cookies for a while now). As I type this I'm glancing at the calendar and reminding myself once again that the boys have 3 - count them, T*H*R*E*E* Christmas parties this week. A bowling one with the Hospital Foundation, a crafty/playful one at the local ArtSpace program, and a gymnastics one with the Chamber of Commerce. Why the couldn't all coordinate and do one a week is beyond my imagination, but that's what we've got. Oh, and did I mention that they are on 3 consecutive days? Again, time gone. Fun time, though! Picture opportunities coming out my ears. Pictures that I will hopefully have scrapped by this time next year! LOL

Let's talk boys. Why does my oldest seem to think that any volume other than SCREAMING LOUD is unworthy of using? It doesn't matter where we are or how close he is to the person he is talking to, lately everytime he opens his mouth it comes out as a eardrum shattering scream. Wow, as I type this I am wondering if there is a chance that he has blocked ears because it has been just in the last 5 days or so. Hmmmmm, should check into this , huh?

Other than his ear splintering talking, Liam has been quite the guy lately. I sometimes have to double look to make sure that it is, in fact, my son in the house with us. He's been helpful, sweet and loving 98% of the time. It's quite a switch from about 2 months ago when I was wondering what had happend to my little boy! He loudly announced today at gymnastics that he had the best little brother in the world just because he happened to glance out and see Conor playing at the little kitchen they have set up. It was definitely a heart twitching moment!

Both the boys are excited as can be about the imminent arrival of Santa and the gang. I have a feeling they are conspiring to stay up to try to see Rudolph - I've caught them talking about it several times! LOL They are both extremely well versed in the traditional holiday music - their current faves are Deck The Halls, Jolly Ole St. Nicholas (or "Johnny St. Nicholas", as Liam says), and Oh Christmas Tree (but only the version sung by Mickey, Minnie and Goofy!). It's so sweet to see them so excited about Christmas. Putting up the tree was a hoot - all of my decorations were about 3 feet off the ground, the top of the tree virtually naked, and Liam would tell me in no uncertain terms where a particular ornament went if I dared try to move them up. Oh well, it gave me more than enough reason to go get supplied with new shiny decorations! Yipeeee! (And yes, Linda, I do think I have a picture of my bottom heavy tree - I'll have to upload it...if I ever get time)

Conor is amazing me each and every day. I'm sure some of you are tired of me saying it, but his vocabulary completely floors me! The way he holds entire conversations and comes out with these HUGE complicated sentences - I'm just amazed! He's also becoming quite a cuddly guy. He will now come up and give me a kiss with no asking (ok, begging and a little fake crying, but a mom has to do what a mom has to do!).

He's quite a go getter! He likes to do whatever the "big boys" do, whether it's trying to ride their bikes or play games, etc. I watch it and truly hope that Liam never gets to the point of feeling like Conor is being a tag-along - hopefully with them being so close in age they will always remain close. Let me dream!

I have a few scrap pages to share - I do them at night on my laptop, my only moments of sanity! And hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to upload some pictures of our tree and the boys decorating and of them graduating today from gymnastics (such a cute thing!).

Credits can be seen Here

Love and (((HUGS)))


Debbie Ann said...

Love your digi scrapbook work. You do a great job.

I also noticed that T-shirt your hubby's got on in that nap time photo. Good choice, if I do say so myself!

Have a great week Susan!

Trying2BMe said...

I love the pages that you shared today :) And I can so relate to the feeling of "NO TIME". I just can't seem to squeeze it all in and still get sleep.

Ugh... someday... someday :)