Tuesday, July 31, 2007

We're back from vacation and my baby turned 4!

Well, we are back from Edmonton - believe me, not voluntarily. LOL Liam, Conor and I all decided we were ready to move there, believe it or not, the boys more than me! They had so much fun going to all the museums and fun places. We hit the WEM (that's West Edmonton Mall, for you non-Canadians) several times, but the boys really loved the water park there - it is HUGE and they had such a blast. We did lots and lots of shopping, went to Chuck E. Cheese, Klondike Days (it's sort of like the State Fair), the Telus World of Science, the Valley Zoo, and Toys R Us (3 of them, some more than once). We all had lots of fun, and it was nice and hot while we were there so we all came home a bit browner (yes, I did say brown - believe it or not, none of us burned!) than when we left. Here are some pictures of all our fun:

Klondike Days:

Chuck E. Cheese (OK, there are only 2 - do you know how hard it is to get pictures at Chuck E. Cheese? They just don't stand still for more than 2 seconds - long enough to waste 1 token):

The Valley Zoo:

Telus World Of Science:

On a different note...Could somebody please tell me where the heck the last 4 years have gone? How, in the name of tarnashen, did Liam get to this point? HOW is it that my sweet little baby boy turned 4 today???? I AM A MOMMY IN DENIAL!!! He had a great birthday and got lots of fun stuff - he was a little "disappointed" in the clothes (OK, Thomas, quit transferring your "Clothes aren't gifts" anthem to my son!;) ) he got...that is, until he saw that they had either Buzz, Lightening or Spiderman on them. LOL Spoiled little bugger. I've got lots of pictures of the day - we got to go down to our friends place and the boys got to ride Shetland Ponies - I got some real cute ones that I will post once I actually upload them to my computer.

Love and (((HUGS)))

1 comment:

Debbie Ann said...

Loved all these pictures... looks like you all had a fabulous time. :)